Contact details at the end of the video.
45 mins of flight compressed to 4 mins at the Gongzhuling paragliding club is run by Daisy, she has a PG glider manufacturing business in China selling approx 700 gliders a year to the 17,000 registered PG pilots in China.
The main site is at Gongzhuling (site in this vid is a secondary site of theirs called “gold silver bowl”) is purpose made with an investment of approx £5,000,000 in the road and launch site with a “wetpour” rubberised launch area. Its a famous launch point for contests in China.
The landing zone is approx the size of a UK cricket pitch with the target area central. In China all LZ have the 30 meters diameter target. As part of the PG pilot rating you must demonstrate landing in this area.
BHPA licence and membership insurance is accepted to fly in CN. Daisy can be contacted only by WeChat (no website marketing) on gsvv3563565455 or +86 139 2689 6093.
Top Tip, before travels to China download a leading VPN and PAY FOR IT, because FOC ones are unreliable and slow. Also very important is take ample cash because ATM’s are few and far between. Visa, mastercard don’t work.
Set up WeChat and/ or ALIPAY, payment apps well in advance of travels. QR code reading is the main and only way 95% of the time, you need it for absolutely everything in China. I suggest setting up both payment types because your UK bank may decide to block some payments….. good luck